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General Discussion
Here you can discuss anything with openlp.org users
Issue with bible verses
Plugin Documentation, API changes, Repository and Packging (help needed)
OpenLp themes fontSize are hardcoded issue
Video Start/End Times
Moving laptops and versions at the same time. Help?
Flatpak!? is it supported?
Hello Community!
OpenLP 3.1.2 Media not working on Secondary Display
Songs, Bibles and Custom Slides to Slides.
Import EasyWorship songs
Display hymn numbers
Possible to collapse song books
Problemas Shortcut Versos
Import OpenLP songs into ChurchSuite
Youtube Videos setup ideas.
[Feature Request] Ability to add custom HTML formatting tags in themes
How to tidying up the song Library and share it to another computer.
Empty Database
Simple question about projectors
Generating an executable file
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