Hi all Swedish speaking friends,
As you may know, the Swedish translation "Svenska Folkbibeln" has just been updated to version 2015. I have helped the translators making the 2015 version available for OpenLP, the file (in OpenSong XML format) can be downloaded here:
http://www.folkbibeln.se/ladda-ner/folkbibeln-pa-projektor</span></div><div><br></div><div>Just because I like OpenLP so much, I also asked the team behind Svenska Folkbibeln to post an update about the new version on their blog, here it is :-)
http://www.folkbibeln.se/aktuellt/467-sfb15-nu-i-openlp-projektor</div><div><br></div><div>I really like Svenska Folkbibeln and their policy that the Bible text should be free for all electronic platforms, like church presentation software, apps for mobile phones etc.