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All Discussions
OpenLP 3.1.7 "Pondering Perez" Released
Web Remote v1.1.1 has been released!
Where is the database after the upgrade?
OpenLP Display Configuration Problems on Extended Screens
OpenLp VideoLoop Is flickering after the video ends OpenLp 3.1.7
video flicker in OpenLP only
King James Version with Christ's words in red
Can I Upgrade from version 2.4 to 3.1.7 (Windows)
Media Auto Start always `inactive`
Controlling presentations from OpenLP on MacOS
OpenLP won't open on Windows 11
macOS: Slide change forces focus back to OpenLP app
Logging in to CCLI Song Select to import songs
Option to close Powerpoint when a presentation finishes
Web Remote interface doesn't work with iPadOS 12 (OpenLP 3.0.2)
I've been using Open LP very happily for years.
importing Bible texts with the Tetragrammaton
3.1.7 crash on WIndows 11 when OpenLp window is shrunk
Passion Translation?
Why is my OpenLP UI is in a very large font?
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