Hi there,
we had painstakingly edited nearly all our songs, formatting the indents using hard spaces (shift+space = nbsp) as tabs and ordinary spaces never made a difference.
Now in v 3.17 all this formatting has disappeared. (we had to upgrade, since, out of the blue our Bibles stopped working in olp2.4.8)
When I go into song edit, I can use a tab or a hard or soft space, but none of them has any effect on the slide. And there seems to no way of doing a paragraph block indent.
Plus there are just times when you want to indent one line as it's a hangover from the line before.
This is a real loss and a loss of hundreds of hours of work too.
Can anyone help?
We're prepared to reformat all our songs manually if necessary, over the next few months, but if we can't indent at all now, it's a major step backwards in how everything looks on the screen.
I can add nbsp or emsp to the edit song window and it works on the screen (hooray) EXCEPT this code is then cluttering up the preview, live and edit windows (boo) and therefore unworkable in a practical way.
Can anyone help with this?