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Discuss problems you are having with your computer and OpenLP.
Why is my OpenLP UI is in a very large font?
UI Panel issues
Mac OS Menu Bar
3.1.7 crash on WIndows 11 when OpenLp window is shrunk
How to install NLT in Bible Wizard
Media Auto Start always `inactive`
3.1.6 macOS M4 crashes on open after download.
where is the bible verse lock icon in 3.17?
version 3.17 problems editing songs
Can't download any bibles
OpenLP dispay and Zoom window layering
3.1.6 Fixes most but not all video issues
Thumbnails broken after theme edit
Context menu hides everything
Upgrade procedure and resulting missing songs after upgrade
Song and Bible using different themes
Remote main view showing "Black" screen
Parse Error importing bible
PDF Presentations in 3.1.6
OpenLP doesn't load on MacOs Sonoma 14.5
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