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Bug reports, feature requests, and any other development-related issues can be discussed here.
Mac OS Menu Bar
version 3.17 problems editing songs
OpenLP dispay and Zoom window layering
3.1.6 Fixes most but not all video issues
Context menu hides everything
Importing PDF only gets first page
Feature Request: Mass Theme Import/Modify and Thumbnail Theme Selector
adding French public domain songs to the sample songs?
Videos won't play if screens are different scale percentage
McAfee detects 3.1.5 as threat
[Feature Request]: text preview of the next slide.
Web-Remote: Make QR-Code mor accessible
Bible, Find, Select, Options
OpenLP 3.1.6 blocked by Windows Defender on Windows 11
Blank to Splash Screen/Display Splash Screen
Virus on 3.1.5
Custom Stage View for 3.1.5 that is similar to stock.
3.1.2 duplicate song search does nothing (MacOS)
Author Types missing "arranger"
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