witterholt We are using 3.1.5, and as far as I know we have a TV connecting to a custom stage view, and my phone connecting to the webremote, and our video computer on OBS using the LowerThird custom stage view. That's the total connection to OpenLP. In 2.4 this worked without issue and the webremote was fast and responsive. In 3.1.x it's not useable.
To be fair, pretty much everything runs a lot slower in 3.1.5 than v2.x did. I like that there are a couple of new features that were added, but even with twice the computer we used to have everything is way slower than it was before, and we're getting random errors that require restarting OpenLP. If I make a change to a CSS file in a theme, why do I need to restart the entire application? That should load on the fly. I don't need to restart Apache or Nginx on a web server.