• Troubleshooting
  • CCLI SongSelect Import does not accept username and password in OpenLP 2.4.6 with Windows 10

it was working fine until around 5 am yesterday morning.<br><br>Now all i get is this error<br><br>There was a problem logging in, perhaps your username or password is incorrect?<br><br>At first I thought maybe it was a problem with my account.&nbsp; But I can login directly on the CCLI Song Select website with no problems.

As of a day or two ago, I, too, have been unable to login. Anyone know what the problem is?

Been having the same issue, thought i was losing my mind.&nbsp; We have a paid account till October so wasn't sure why It wasn't letting me import songs thru CCLI song select.&nbsp; Must be another log in error.&nbsp; This happens every once in a while.<br>Hope its fixed before Saturday!

@kevinandjenn123 Please remember that you can log into CCLI song select and download the songs as a text file then upload the text file if the issue is not resolved in time to create your service.

Hello together,<br><br>

As of today, my CCLI username and password are no longer accepted. After clicking on the "Login" button, an error message appears. I should check my username and password. There is no error here because I can log in to the SongSelect homepage with the same data.


Does anyone know what could be wrong?<br><br>Best regards<br>Daniel


Oh no, can confirm this is also happening on Mac as of this morning, 6/13/2020 at 10:00 AM. Does the API need to be updated?

Verified -This is also happening on Linux - Ubuntu ( Mint 19.3 and Mate 20.04) same issue.<br>

It looks like SongSelect changed their login stuff again. I'll have to take a look and see what's changed.


In the mean time, you should still be able to import their TXT files using the Song importer (File =&gt; Import =&gt; Songs).<br>

4 days later

raoul, Happening on mac here as well, get the error message that my password and username are wrong, is there anyway to import the TXT file and not get the "Other" i.e o1 o2 o3 for Choruses and bridges etc. ?<br>

Thanks Raoul for the reminder<br>


"In the mean time, you should still be able to import their TXT files using the Song importer (File =&gt; Import =&gt; Songs)"


This seems to be a common issue over the years with CClI. I am confident the OpenLP guys will get it fixed soon. Thanks for your hard work!<br>

Hi there,

I keep getting the same login error. I can login with the same credentials on the browser.

Kind regards.


Hi everyone, good morning. I have the same problem since last week. If anyone has this problem solved can you let us know?&nbsp;<br><br>Thanks, peace!&nbsp;

Couldn't the program be changed to allow users to edit the SongSelect path in settings?

6 days later

@Newcom&nbsp; I'm not actually sure what the problem is, but it's probably something like that. That's a great idea.<br>

4 days later

I develop an application which also accesses CCLI data, worked for years, and its also broken for me. <br><br>Its becasue CCLI have implemented Google's Re-CaptureV3 on their log on page. Kinda of stuck now.<br><br>Any OpenLP devs have any ideas, I would love to know how you over come it.

@Gordon our current line of thinking is to just open an internal browser window and inject some JS into the page that'll bridge between OpenLP and SongSelect. <br>

4 days later

I put in a ticket at CCLI. Here is their response:<br>Begin "their response"<br>

We recently made an update to our API code, which is what 3rd party programs need to connect or integrate with our SongSelect. OpenLP is not an official partner of CCLI, so they were not able to foresee or accommodate for the changes we were making. I would recommend looking at other program options - Worship Extreme is one that offers free and paid versions. MediaShout is another official partner, if you are able to get it back up and running.


<br>Joann Kim

Customer Service Representative

Christian Copyright Licensing International

End "their response"<br>


Since this is functionality I need (not for me but for volunteers), I will be aggressively working towards solving this. I read through some of the developer documentation for Openlp and find it a bit overwhelming for just needing this one little change. I did respond to their kind email and asked what it would take for Openlp or me to become a partner.<br>

Maybe enough of we users of both OpenLP and CCLI sent a message to CCLI asking to become a partner would help?

Here is their answer (actually, a non-answer):

I do not have information as to why OpenLP is not an official partner. If they want to be an official partner, they could discuss the option with our executives. Please refer to OpenLP for any troubleshooting regarding their platform, or any updates on whether they have plans to improve/fix the issue.<br><br>Warm Regards,.<br> <br>Joann Kim<br> Customer Service Representative <br>Christian Copyright Licensing International

<p>This is a typical corporate "pass the buck" answer. It's clear that the CSR doesn't (or can't) understand that Openlp is "open" or what that means.</p><p>I guess I'm stuck with building the songs, for now. It's not that hard to download the text, import it, and change the formatting.<br></p><p>Thanks for the great software and community!<br></p>

I have also dealt with the import problem. Since I'm in the German-speaking area, I thought I'd see what they answer to my mail request.<br><br>Here is the text of the mail that was written to me:<br>"Since among other things negative experiences were made with the release of the API interface, the access has been restricted very much and probably even after the new programming/update the access has been secured much better. I can also only give you the information that Open LP is not an API partner of CCLI and we are currently working with the projection software Worship Extreme".<br>


I understand the statement of CCLI-Germany as follows: CCLI works exclusively with the program Worship Extreme. In my answer, I kindly pointed out that many people would be happy to work with other presentation platforms as well. This will probably not change the business policy decision, but we want to remain friendly ;)


For me this simply means: Take the more complicated way, copy paste the text in OpenLP and then edit the rest.




P.S.: I had my German contribution translated via DeepL<br>