Hi there. I'm new to Open LP, and I'm a MAC user, so ya know I don't get a lot of practice with open source platforms. I am loving Open LP!
In case others are watching this thread, I did get the VLC error when I frist downloaded it Open LP, and I've had VLC for a long time. So, I did update VLC to the 3.0.2, since i hadn't installed a new version in a long time. I deleted my old version and installed the 3.0.2 (which is the current one I see when I go to their site)
I attempted to download the link that Raoul posted (Love the tutorial series, by the way!). But, I did not at first delete the previously installed version, so the new one came into applications as Open LP 2, which meant that the code in the terminal wouldn't direct correctly. I attempted to be clever and alter the command, but that didn't work. I'm sure I didn't do it correctly. But, anyhow. I deleted the first version of Open LP. Then I downloaded the Intel version linked here by Raoul. Put the command in the terminal, opened it, and it verified VLC like a dream.
Bonus, in the newly downloaded Open LP, it had the services and songs I had already worked on (which, granted, wasn't much, because I'm new, but was nice to see it import seamlessly).
I'm really amazed. Thank you, Raoul, for the hard work, and thank you Jamie Hockin as well.