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Discuss problems you are having with your computer and OpenLP.
OpenLP slow to close
Each time I add a media item, the list of all other items is added as well.
CCLI log-in issue
File not found. Please try selecting it individually. (media from FTP)
Single Line Custom Slide text fades over about 20 seconds on projector, but not on mirrored monitor
Using Netgear xtender to create wifi so ipad can connect to Windows 10 laptop w/out Internet
MX Linux 19.2 (Debian Buster) - OpenLP not installable - unmet dependencies
Import Zefania formatted bible working on W10 & failing on Mac !
Theme Error
Projecting live panel and have OLP on the laptop
does open lp work with mac os catalina version 10.15.4?
Project in window and NOT in full screen
There was an error saving your file
PJLink not connecting
Ubuntu 18.04 OpenLP can not start
OpenLP not removing wine footprint at uninstall
OpenLP Never opened following Setup Completion
Text with Transparent background not working properly
Error when deleting songbook
Media Library multiplies
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