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Discuss problems you are having with your computer and OpenLP.
How does OpenLP handle images?
live projecting issue
live projecting problem
My Mac and formatting tags
Invalid chords in the Neo Latin language
Unable to start OpenLP since enabling media plugin
Opensong import issue
PowerPoint unavailable
Screen goes wonky. Cannot read screen after opening OpenLP. 1080i issue?
Segmentation Fault with latest Ubuntu PPA install
Transparent theme
Looped PP Presentation(.pptx) Not Looping When Played Through PP Viewer 2007 & OLP 2.4.6 on Win 10
Video won’t play full screen
OpenLP 2.4.6 Crashing on Windows 10
Remote Interface missing from settings
Slide Transition
SongSelect Login Issues
Segmentation Fault in Kubuntu 18.04
Images Plugin Won't Load
Verses of lyrics appearing on top of eachother
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