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Discuss problems you are having with your computer and OpenLP.
Problem with PowerPoint presentation
2.9.5 Print Service - With Without CSS not inserting text from Formatting Tags
Downgrading from 2.9.5 to 2.4.6 Windows 11 can't be done?
Fix for OpenLP not working in Ubuntu.
Fix for OpenLP not working in Ubuntu.
Device stream not working in 2.9.5
After upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS OpenLP crashes right after start
Module missing or inactive
Only splash screen on 2.9.2 on Mint with projector
OpenLP 2.9.5 doesn't start on Linux Mint 20.3
Media files refuse to respond properly to OpenLP 2.4.6
Theme selected in song is no longer there after exporting/importing
Screen resolution set to 960 x 540 instead of 1920 x 1080
Import CSV bible changes special characters
V2.9.5/Windows Cloning song does not include a song-specific theme
2.9.5 Media Library
2.9.5 panel screen display
Problem with "copy as text" function
importing ops pro songs
2.9.5 doesn't refresh the screen after HTML-Side
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