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Language-specific Support
Forums for folks to discuss issues in their own language.
Traduction quasi-complète de l'interface en français
How to type symbols
Bibles récentes en français au format Sword compatible OpenLP
song plan, adding from iphone
Serve lingua italiana
Please replace the German Wort "Vorwärts" (forward) to "Nächste" (next)
Packs de chants en français pour OpenLP (Mise à jour: 22 Mars 2023).
Bible verse
Supporto OpenLP in Italiano
Pack de chant Shir (1189)
Romanian Songs Letters specific Import from XML does not import properly
Text direction can be set to Auto for Arabic RTL?
Indic Text is broken in Edit Verse window
Malayalam Language in Live screen is displaying differently
Hungarian Bible translation with unicode glitch
Some Fonts not recognized
Thai Text Help
slovak lyrics and other translations (slovenske pesnicky a preklady)
Malayalam Bible
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