I import Bible texts from biblegateway.com with the OpenLP Bible plugin, which works nearly flawlessly. The only issue is the import has never pulled in the Tetragrammaton ("YHWH") properly, rendering "the LORD" as "the Lord" or "the Lord GOD" as "the Lord God". I never thought much of it until I discovered biblegateway does, in fact, send the text with the tag "small-caps".
I have a vim script that also pulls text from biblegateway and since it was also pulling in the Tetragrammaton as "the Lord" I didn't think much of OpenLP doing the same. I've tweaked my vim script so that it imports Bible texts into my sermons and renders the small-caps coding properly (in LaTeX this would be "\textsc{Lord}").
Is it possible to get OpenLP to render the small caps as small caps? When I import, say, Exodus 3:6, I get, "…but by my name the Lord I did not make myself known to them" rather than "…but by my name the LORD I did not make myself known to them".