If I have OpenLP in Czech, the labels for bridge, prechorus, intro are “Přechod”, “Předrefrén”, “Předehra”. Their first letters are the same, so OpenLP can't distinguish between them in verse ordering. All are represented by “P”, and all “P”s in the verse ordering are considered bridges. That makes using prechori and intros impossible because OpenLP tries to put bridges in their places. It may also irretrievably break verse orders of songs previously created in a different language.
The simplest solution to this is to not translate verse labels, so, in Czech, bridges would be labeled “Bridge”, not “Přechod”, & c.. That makes sense because I think that the underlying data structure should not depend on the language of the interface. It may be undesirable if a goal of translation is so the user doesn't have to use English labels, but other solutions which came to my mind are worse.
PS: I use OpenLP 3.1.5 from AUR on Arch Linux.
Example 1
Have OpenLP in Czech (“Čeština”).
Try to create a song with verse order P1
and these lyrics:
Try to save it. It refuses to save it and shows this error:
Sloka odpovídající "P1" neexistuje. Platné položky jsou P1 a P1.
Prosím zadejte sloky oddělené mezerou.
Translated to English:
Verse corresponding to "P1" does not exist. Valid items are P1 and P1.
Please input verses separated by a space.
This shows that prechori and intros are unusable, and using them prevents saving the song unless it contains a bridge.
Example 2
Have OpenLP in English.
Have a song with verse order V1 C1 B1 P1 I1 E1 O1
and these lyrics:
Change the language to Czech (“Čeština”) and restart OpenLP.
See the song. It has verse order S1 R1 P1 P1 P1 Z1 O1
and these lyrics:
Change the language to English and restart OpenLP.
See the song. It has verse ordering V1 C1 B1 B1 B1 E1 O1
and lyrics like the first time.
This shows that Czech labeling irretrievably breaks verse ordering of previously created songs by replacing all prechori and intros with bridges.