wilfred Please I am in Ghana and we speak Akan "Twi", but I do not have a Twi version bible on my OpenLP. We need your help.
rrygle Could you use the Bible Gateway import function with this version? https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/Nkwa-Asem/
rrygle Another option There seem to be a few different Twi Bibles on this page, though I think they are in the Beblia XML format https://biblelist.netlify.app/ This page seems to have the same or very similar Bibles in Beblia XML format https://github.com/Beblia/Holy-Bible-XML-Format Any of these would need to be converted to a suitable format, such as Zephaniah XML or OSIS, which OpenLP can import You could try using a tool such as https://github.com/schierlm/BibleMultiConverter that seems to be able to convert between these formats.
wilfred Thank you very much, I've seen the site and it is very nice with lots of my local Bibles. I think the way I'm trying to plugin the bible is not the way it has to be done. If I may ask, is there any video you will recommend for me?
wilfred Hello, please all the Twi Bible versions from the first link are in BEBLIA format which my OpenLP cannot plugin.
rrygle You need to try to use the format converter I mentioned before. https://github.com/schierlm/BibleMultiConverter
rrygle Look on this page https://ebible.org/Scriptures/ These are the dialects that I think you might prefer. There are several different formats for each of the dialects. https://ebible.org/details.php?id=aka https://ebible.org/details.php?id=twi https://ebible.org/details.php?id=twiasante You will need to try the format converter with some of these files - https://github.com/schierlm/BibleMultiConverter I think Sword format or BibleWorks format may work better than Beblia.
rrygle Here is the solution. Go to the page for the version you want - https://ebible.org/details.php?id=twiasante Save the Sword module zip file to your computer (e.g. "twisante2020eb.zip"). The sword format works with OpenLP. Run OpenLP In OpenLP, go to File -> Import -> Bible Click Next Set Format to "Sword" Click "Import from Zip File" and click the folder icon to find the zip file Select the zip file from the place you saved it in Step 2. Click "Open" After a short time, the file name should display, and the Bible name should display. Click "Next" Enter some writing in this box. You could put a space to leave it blank, or you could put Biblica, or anything you want Click "Next" The import process will start Some book names need to be identified, like I Samuel = 1 Samuel, II Samuel = 2 Samuel, Revelation of John = Revelation - this might be different in your language. Click "OK" each time. Click "Finish" Now go to "Bibles" Click on "Options" Select your Bible version To test, click on "Select" -> set "Book" (e.g. Genesis) -> set From Chapter & Verse -> Click "Search" -> Double-click the displayed text (click x 2) -> It should show in the "Preview" and the slide should show below. Please reply to let me know if this worked.
rrygle Solution 2 - Import from Web - this might not work if you do not have internet at your church location, so the first solution might be better. Do the same as above, but select Format = "Web Download" Click "Download bible list Set location = "BibleGateway" Set Bible = Nkwa Asem (NA-TWI) Set language = Twi Match book names
rrygle You can have 2 versions from each solution Select Version 1 and Version 2 Both will show on the slide
rrygle There are many other language versions available on this page https://ebible.org/download.php You can also have two different languages at once