I’m a new user. I installed OpenLP a few days ago.

I’m running Windows 10 (current maintenance), an Nvidia GTX 1060 graphics adapter (current driver maintenance), AMD threadripper CPU, all SSD drives. I have 4 displays: 2 Viewsonic VP2770, 1 ViewSonic VG1655, and a Sharp Aquos TV.

I’ve not been able to get “Auto Start – active” or Live Media = “Start Live items automatically” to cause an .mp4 video file to start automatically when I click ‘Go Live’ on that item from the Service Manager. I have confirmed those values are set in the OpenLP Configuration for Media and for the media items in the Service manager.

To get the video to play, I have to go to the Live window (after the media has been added to Live) and also click on the play icon, then it plays.

Videos won’t seem to play automatically when they ‘Go Live’. Am I missing some setting, or maybe there are conflicting settings I might have set?

The release notes for 3.1.3 say Bug Fixes: “Correct media auto start behaviour.” So this presumably ought to work.

Can anyone confirm this is or is not working on Windows 10?

Can anyone confirm on what release this last worked correctly?

I should add that I'm using the VLC player 3.0.21 Vetinari that is included in OpenLP

I'm also passing parameters to VLC, to wit:
Configure OpenLP->Media->VLC arguments --sub-language=Eng,English --no-dvdsub-transparency

But whether these arguments are set or left blank does not seem to affect the failure of "auto start"

11 days later


I am having the same issue after updating OpenLP. Have you found a fix to this?


    No I have not found a workaround. I emailed the same bug report to developers at bugs3@openlp.org but I only received an automated reply assuming I was backlevel and to install the latest version.

    Did this work in an ealier version for you? What OS are you running?

    My install (and re-install) of was a clean first-time install, not an upgrade.

    I've also tested this on Windows 11 and it fails there as well.

    I have a simular issue with a Windows 11 system with an AMD RYZEN onboard GPU and a NVIDIA RTX GPU. It happens when the AMD is used as the screen. It causes big problems when both the program and screen are on the AMD.

    In a thread for earlier problems I saw a suggestion to change the resolution by 1 pixel all around the screen so that OpenLP was not taking the full display. That seems to help. Here is a snippet of the setting.

      Did you change the geometry for both the program display and the primary display screen, or just the one that used the AMD onboard GPU?

      Could you please post a link to the thread where that workaround was discussed?


        I made the change to the screen for the display. I did not change the Primary, for which there are no options for adjustments.

        I use the Portable OpenLP running from a USB drive. The solution makes it work for the AMD systems, and the Intel system still works fine. (I set up the service in my home office on a systems with AMD GPUs. The system in the sanctuary has Intel. Using the USB drive solves many problems with Songs, Custom Slides, Themes, and Media. Just have to make sure each system loads the drive with the same drive letter.)

        I cannot find the thread with the suggestion to change the geometry. I know it was fairly old. I had sat down one day looking through several discussions about display issues. There are many of them, several appear similar.

        Here are a few:

          Thanks for those links, I'll look them over.

          I tried the geometry override trick, but it didn't have any effect on the "auto start" failure, and it did creat one new problem in that PowerPoint presentations (sermon notes) would hang when going live. So, no joy.

          18 days later

          A possible workaround to this bug is to double click on a media item in the service manager.

          I maybe have discovered a prequisite condition to cause this bug.
          When I first installed and reinstalled OpenLP, I never once double clicked on a media item in the service manager. I always right clicked and selected "Go Live" and "auto start" failed as previously repported.
          At one point I double clicked on the media item in the service manager and "auto start" worked even though "auto start" was not set on that media item. Only the Media Configuration setting had "Auto Start" enabled.
          Ever since double clicking on a media item in the service manager, "Auto Start" has worked. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling OpenLP to see if I could get "auto start" to fail again but it would not.
          I suspect if I uninstalled OpenLP and removed all its registry entries and folders, "auto start" would fail as demonstrated above.
          The first double clicking on a media item in the service manager seems to set some condition, probably in the registry, that enables "auto start" to subsequently work.

          This has been reported in GitLab.