1) Customizing Themes -- There is a control panel for THEMES. Make sure it is visible--see the VIEW menu. In my setup it is a tab under the LIBRARY panel. Right click on a theme to edit. It does not take long to figure out how it works.
2) Integration Tip -- May of us use OBS Studio (Open Broadcast Software). In OBS, you can either get the service output by capturing the projection output or by using the OpenLP Remote URL. If both are running on the same machine, I use the monitor capture. But, I have also run OBS and OpenLP on separate machines.
3) Resource and Training -- A quick run through the Manual will give a good overview of the capabilities. Trial and Error is where I learn the most. This forum is useful. There are also some YouTube helps. Just be aware the version 3.0 and up has significant updates and changes compared to earlier versions. OpenLP is very stable, but it is under development by volunteers. I like the program better than any others I have tried. But, problems can come and go. Always test your services.
Finally, I use the portable version on a USB drive. Everything on the drive. I can then prepare the service in the office ans carry the USB to the computer used for the service.
Have fun. You cannot break it, just back up the data files.