I have come to enjoy the remote and have most everything working nicely. The BIG problem that has existed (and is hard to explain) is with the STAGE view, at the last slide a preview of what is coming next shows {THIS IS GREAT --except} when the next slide is a Bible verse, then the preview shows copyright and permission. This takes up much of the stage view and gets in the way of any notes.
I have looked into custom stage views and could probably solve this problem with some work. HOWEVER, I cannot imagine that anyone is using the copyright and permission data on this preview of the next service item.
To test. Put a simple custom slide that is just a blank line in a service with a note, followed by a Bible verse. Open a remote window on a smartphone or tablet with a stage view. Present the custom slide. The note will be covered by all the copyright and permissions from the Bible.
It seems like this should be an easy fix, but it is hard to find the css that is presenting the custom slide through the remote.
Thank you for reading all of that.
OpenLP is really great !
PS I use blank custom slides in the service with notes for the leader.