I have a Nepali song with transliterated text.
I want to have the transliterated text smaller and the line-height to be smaller.
To achieve this, I use a Custom Formatting Tag {t}
I put the Start HTML as <span style="-webkit-text-fill-color:yellow; font-family:arial;font-size: 50%; line-height: 50%";>
However the line-height remains the same as the global line-height as seen in the image

This is my editAll text:
(लैबरी लैबरी लैबरी लै लै...
लैबरी लैबरी लैबरी लै...
हो हो हो....) २<hr>{t}(laibari laibari laibari lai lai...
laibari laibari laibari lai...
ho ho ho....) 2{/t}
(विजय भन मण्डली
उनको राज्य आएको छ
येशू हाम्रो माझमा
महिमित बन्नुभएको छ) २<hr>{t}(bijai bhana maNDali
unko raajye aa-yeko cha
yeshu haamro majha-maa
mahimit bannu-bhayeko cha) 2{/t}
(हात उठाई स्वर खोलि
आनन्दले गाइदेऊ
एकतामा एउटै प्रेममा
येशू नाउँमा आइदेऊ) २
हो हो हो....<HR>{t}(haat uThaai swor kholi
aananda-le gaai-deu
ekataa-maa yeuTai prem-maa
yeshu naauň-maa aai-deu) 2
ho ho ho....{/t}