I'm a BSc student from Hungary at Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics, and in the scope of a subject named "Tutored Research Project" I would like to implement a slice of the so called synchronization feature in OpenLP.
I made this post to avoid parallel working on the same feature, so if you are already working on this, please let me know.
I made a research on this forum and I chose to implement the local folder based synchronization method, so this way everyone can choose how he wants to synchronize his data (DropBox, Google Drive, Syncthing...etc). Also this method does not require the setup of a central API server, so it could be a better choice for people who doesn't have a local server or VPS.
I've read the wiki about this topic and I will try to follow the directives during the development. The project status can be followed at this forked repository: https://gitlab.com/tamas646/openlp. I plan to finish the development by the end of May, and if required I can finalize my work and make a pull request in the summer.
Because of the subject requirements I'd like to implement this feature on my own, but I'm open to any suggestion or ideas. 🙂