Hi everyone,

so I downloaded the most recent installer of the application, and every time i open the program a white screen appears on the backgroung with the icon of Open LP, as you can see on the picture. I cannot switch between programs and the only thing I can do is restarting the computer, or exiting by the task manager.

Can you help me, what should I do?

Meanwhile I downloaded the 3.1 version (before I had the 3,02) and seems like it works, my only question now, is how can I make to project a song, by clicking twice on it?

I'm guessing your computer only has one monitor/display (or at least OpenLP is not configured for two displays). When I see that screen I press ESC and it disappears. When you have OpenLP properly configured for two displays, that screen is meant to appear on the secondary display (i.e. where you want lyrics to be displayed).

As to projecting a song - I think this section of the manual is where you want to look.