While importing a large SongBeamer song collection (.sng files) into OpenLP, we noticed that many of them appear to contain chords with “B=” base notes. For instance, B=7 appears frequently in several songs. When editing the song data, the chords generally appear in square brackets like [A] or [Em] (I presume this is the OpenLP standard format) and this is then not visible in the actual song display, at least by default. However, the B= chords, while using the same square bracket format, appear not to be parsed correctly by OpenLP, since they display inline in the song display, sometimes in the middle of words. I assume that OpenLP can parse SongBeamer‘s weird chord format correctly (as far as I can tell it doesn’t use plain text) but does not recognize this chord definition.
I haven’t attached an example .sng file due to copyright issues; this problem is reproducible by including something like [B=7] in a song text.