Hi all,
(I realise I posted this originally in the "General discussions" category and not under Troubleshooting, so apologies for the double post - I can't see how to delete it from that category.
I have checked through the previous threads, and can see that this question has been asked before, and so I apologise for asking it again: But I am having trouble importing my song database out of EW7 and into OpenLP.
I am trying to use the import wizard. And I know the manual (and other advice) says the path to import from is C:\Users\Public\Documents\Softouch\EasyWorship\Default\Databases\Data\... However my pathway to find the "songs.db" file runs as follows: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Softouch\Easyworship\Default\v6.1\Databases\Data (admittedly not much difference there), but when I try to import the "songs.db" file I get the following message...

At the beginning of the Wizard I am selecting the Format option as "EasyWorship Song Database".
There are two other EasyWorship option under the Format bar: "EasyWorship 6 Song Databse" and "EasyWorship Service". When I use "EasyWorship 6 Song Database as the format option no files appear in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Softouch\Easyworship\Default\v6.1\Databases\Data, and if I try to select that folder any way I get the following popup

Does this look like this would work/ is what I need to do or have a missed something?
Many thanks in advance for any help/advice offered!