For the issue where when you created a PowerPoint and you try to open it in open LP and I kept freezing open LP and force you to just run it in PowerPoint. My church audio and video team and I were working and we figured it out. When you create a PowerPoint and have it set up the way you want to present it, go to save or save as, but instead of just naming it and saving it, give file a name as usual but instead of just saving it go to the drop down menu beside "save type as" and choose to save it as MPEG-4 file type, then hit save, wait till it's done converting and then close. Open up open LP and then down the left side where it says Bible presentation and media go to Media an import your newly created MP4 PowerPoint presentation and Vola.

I hope this helps someone :-)

God bless you and stay safe :-)

Maybe the freezing had something to do with this issue that will be fixed in the next release: Fix endless loop at the end of a PowerPoint presentation (!636) · Merge requests · openlp / OpenLP · GitLab