I have OpenLP 3.0.2 on an M2 MacBook Air running macOS Ventura 13.4.1. I'm new to OpenLP. My happy place is PP7.
After hearing in a radio documentary about the way Winston Churchill wrote out his speeches, I developed a style that presents phrases as they are sung, line by line, with minimal (preferably zero punctuation), and progressive indentation. Yes, I know all these things are subjective, but it's become our house style, and we like it.
As a newbie, I was rather disappointed to find that OpenLP provides no simple support for user-defined indentation. However, after a bit of CSS hackery I have arrived at the following workaround using "Formatting Tags" and thought I would share it here ...

So this ...

Becomes this ...

I'm sharing this, because I wish someone had when I needed it :)