I have OpenLP 3.0.2 on an M2 MacBook Air running macOS Ventura 13.4.1
When the /Applications/VLC is missing or the Apple Silicon (vlc-3.0.18-arm64.dmg) version is installed, I get ...

However, when /Applications/VLC is the Intel (vlc-3.0.18-intel64.dmg) or Universal (vlc-3.0.18-universal.dmg) version, it works.
These are the versions I have downloaded directly from https://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-macosx.html i.e. they are not Homebrew or self-built versions.
I prefer to use the Universal version, because this menas VLC runs more efficiently when I use it outside of OpenLP.
It will be a happy day when OpenLP is itself available as a Universal binary, because Apple Silicon is fast!
That said, Apple's Rosetta 2 does an amazing job running old "heritage" Intel binaries.