I noticed two issues:
1. If the number of the verse in the Bible is not a number (it contains letters, e.g. 13a), the bible is not imported - it is for the Zefania format - I checked this one. In Polish bibles, some verses are divided into several parts marked with letters.
2. If the display moves to the next song in the set, the item with the same number is displayed first (or last if the song has fewer verses)
Song1 has the patterndd: V1 V2 V3 V4
Song2 has the arrangement V1 V2 V3
If you move from Song1 V4 to Song2, Song2 V3 will be displayed first, then automatically V1 will be displayed
If you move from Song1 V3 to Song2, Song2 V3 will be displayed first, then automatically V1 will be displayed