On my 2012 Macmini with Ubuntu 22.10 and XFCE, OpenLP causes a Stack Overflow.

2023-03-15 17:48:41,931 MainThread openlp.core.display.webengine ERROR openlp/core/display/html/reveal.js:1995 Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.

2023-03-15 17:48:41,932 MainThread openlp.core.display.webengine ERROR openlp/core/display/html/reveal.js:1995 Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.

10 days later

Just realized that I attached a comment file for my mates in church… edited post and added the last lines showing the overflow…

6 days later

Those errors do not affect how OpenLP works. You can safely ignore them.

Hi and thank you for your reply =)

OpenLP starts up normally and then it comes to the lines above, it freezes, so the only thing I can do is to kill the process via terminal. I have a full log from start to freeze here: https://wayne-intressierts.de/openlp-2-9-x-3-0-x-stack-overflow/

So, if the errors at the end do not cause OpenLP to freeze, than I don’t know. My last working configuration was some Ubuntu 18/19 with OpenLP 2.4. Maybe I build a system like that, I had years before, just to test out if it‘s working again…


We typically see this sort of behaviour when your computer's graphics card doesn't support OpenGL, or you ran an upgrade on your computer but didn't restart yet.

    Hi and thank you for your reply =)


    We typically see this sort of behaviour when your computer's graphics card doesn't support OpenGL, or you ran an upgrade on your computer but didn't restart yet.

    Well, I didn't verify it yet, but I'm quite sure, that my 2012 Macmini with an actual Ubuntu does support OpenGL and I know for a fact, that I restarted it serveral times, especially after update, upgrade, dist-upgrade...

    Since my technican in charge wants to get his Macbook (with MacOS) back, I solved my problem by installing (L)Ubuntu 18.04.5 as a second OS and after manually installing all dependecies OpenLP 2.9 worked fine. Next step is testing it under real circumstances in church. I'm quite sure, this setup will do the job... maybe I will try to Update OpenLP to v3, but as long as it works - never touch a runnig system ;-)