
I've just upgraded to 3.02 and all the songs I had carefully put "indents" in over several years by doing hard spaces, have all their indents missing.

So this messes up the look of slides that I've developed!

Obviously I can go back and spend a day or so doing indents by some other way, but when I last raised this, which was some years ago, doing indents was not simple - compared to holding down shift and space.

At least I notice now that a carriage return does effect a space without me holding down shift - so that's good.

Can anyone urgently help me with indents?

a year later

I am very interested in this as I have this issue as well.

In an effort to make things cleaner until I could figure out what I did wrong, I just centered everything, but that is not a great solution so here I am once again working on a solution.

Holding down the shift key while pressing the space bar does not indent the line on the display screen, only in the edit window. 🙁

Sadly, I am unable to enter alt255 to insert the blank character that 'looks like' a space but is not.

Any help with this is greatly appreciated.


    We are basically using a web browser for displaying stuff, and web browsers don't display multiple spaces. From 2.4.6 to 3.0 we upgraded the underlying libraries used in OpenLP, including the web browser component. There are some solutions floating around the forums.

    Also, you might consider adjusting the "main" display area in your theme(s), rather than indenting your songs?

    brad12kx I don't see a way around editing your song database. You have three possible approaches. All of them involve changing your song entries so that every occurrence of an indented line is changed to one of the following:

    {t}Verse line {/t}
    where t is a formatting tag that is defined as <span style="margin-left:50px">
    or however many pixels you want to indent

    {t}{/t}Verse line
    where t is a formatting tag that is defined as &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    or however many spaces you want to indent


    You can do a mass edit using SQL with software such as DB Browser for SQLite. It will work on the database, which is songs/songs.sqlite in your OpenLP data folder.

    A safer way would be to export your song database to an empty folder. This makes one file per song. Then find a way to do a global search and replace on each file. Windows, Linux and Mac all have ways to doing this from the command line, so you don't have to edit each file. The first suggest approach is the best, I think.