On my Windows 10 PC, can't play MP4 videos. In config settings, says VLC needs to restart, but restarting OpenLP nor reboot of computer fixes problem.

And it plays fine if you play it in VLC directly?

    It's possible that it's an AutoStart problem. In 2.4.6, videos played automatically when you double-click them but in 3.0.0 they do not. You can either click the Play button under the video in the Live section or right-click on the video in the Service list and choose AutoStart. After that, when you double-click the video it will start playing.

    Personally I'd rather the videos play automatically but I don't see a way to do this in settings.

    Do you not have the "Start Live items automatically" option, as per the manual? https://manual.openlp.org/configure.html#media

    I did not. Once I did that, solved problem. Thank you