
All songs in OpenLP have an assigned theme.

We need to assign a new theme to all these songs.

We can of course do this manually song by song but we currently have several hundred songs.

Is there a way or a tool to change the theme globally for all songs?

Many thanks for your help

Sorry there isn't any fast way to do this in OpenLP. That leaves you with these options:

Change the Theme level to service or global if you just want to use the same theme for everything.Manually edit the song database with a sql editor.Manually go through them all (not recommended, that would take a long time).

@abo So if you just want to globally use the same theme on everything, change the theme level to service or global in the settings.

  • abo replied to this.

    @abo So if you just want to globally use the same theme on everything, change the theme level to service or global in the settings.

    @ninjakiwi many thanks. Does the global or service theme apply to songs only ?

    @abo The the applies to everthing, although; images have a blank theme unless set otherwise in the settings. Presentations do not use the theme. Bibles seem to be an issue. There is a setting in the settings to change the theme for bibles but it does not seem to work. Custom slides will also use the global theme as well.

    How did you set the theme for so many songs in the first place?

    @abo Just a thought, could you just edit the theme that they're already using?

    • abo replied to this.

      @abo Just a thought, could you just edit the theme that they're already using?

      @ninjakiwi Many thanks for your help. Yes, changing the theme could be a solution, but I wanted to take advantage of this change to correct many oversights and errors in the song entry.

      I used the DB Browser application (SQL Lite) to make the changes. This application is simple and convenient for this type of operation.