Hello, <br><br>our church has started to stream our services online and I am trying to set up our entire worship scene to incorporate the live stream.<br><br>I got stuck with worship lyrics. Normaly we used a power point presentation with the lyrics that projects the slides onto the stage. But now we also need the worship lyrics to be presented in a different way into the streaming video where I use keying to only show the lyrics overlaying the live video. So simply put the problem is that these two views (stage projection and stream projection) need to look differently - they have the same lyrics but are positioned differently and have different colors.<br><br>So what I essetially need is to present two presentations from the same computer that are synced. One output to the projector and one to my streaming software. <br><br>I found this software and it got my attention, but I dont know if it can be used in this way. I just want to ask you if openLP will help me, or if I would be wasting my with it to solve this situation.<br><br>Thank you in advance.<br><br><br><br><br>
OpenLP Features
OpenLP can do this through the use of stage views. Try googling for OpenLP Stage View OBS.