I am having an issue when a MP3 file is attached to a song via the Linked audio and displayed it only will play out of HDMI 1 even though the 3.5mm audio jack is the default. This same issue occurs if it is attached to the song via "Add Files" or "Add Media". Note: If I open VLC and play any of the MP3's they also will play out the 3.5mm jack. <br><br>If I add the same MP3 to "Media" and then add that to the service it will play via the 'default audio' in my case the 3.5mm jack. In fact everything in Media will play out the correct port. Only when the MP3 is add to a Song does it try to play it our the HDMI 1 port. <br><br>I have gone into raspi-config -> Advanced Options -> Audio and selected the 'Headphones'. This causes everything to work coming out of the headphone jack (3.5mm jack) but the MP3 when attached to a song. <br><br>My Player Search Order is defined as 1 - VLC, 2 - System<br><br>Any thoughts, suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated. <br><br>Current Config:<br> RasperryPI 4b (4GB Ram)<br> OS: Raspbian 5.4.51-v7l+<br> OpenLP ver: 2.4.6 (installed via apt)<br> VLC Media Play ver: 3.0.11<br> One HDMI Monitor (Configuration)<br> One HDMI Program Monitor<br> Audio connected to sound system via 3.5mm jack<br><br>Thank you for the help!!