Recently had to install a new desktop in sanctuary. It came with Windows 8.1 installed. I am using OpenLP 2.4.6 and LibreOffice 6.2. My Windows taskbar does not show on my projectors when displaying songs, images, or scriptures, but when I run a Powerpoint presentation, the Windows taskbar shows at the bottom. How did I get rid of the taskbar? Thank you.

Maybe go into PowerPoint and see if you can configure it there?<br>

Thank you, but I'm not using PowerPoint- I am using Impress.

Please take a look at the Toolbar settings...and look in the multiple display section.&nbsp; It is possible the taskbar is just hidden on the the second screen....that doesn't explain why it only pops up when you are presenting a PowerPoint presentation, but it may help you stop it from showing up.

Thank you. I will try that Sunday.