Recently had to install a new desktop in sanctuary. It came with Windows 8.1 installed. I am using OpenLP 2.4.6 and LibreOffice 6.2. My Windows taskbar does not show on my projectors when displaying songs, images, or scriptures, but when I run a Powerpoint presentation, the Windows taskbar shows at the bottom. How did I get rid of the taskbar? Thank you.
Taskbar Shows On Powerpoint Slides
Maybe go into PowerPoint and see if you can configure it there?<br>
Thank you, but I'm not using PowerPoint- I am using Impress.
Please take a look at the Toolbar settings...and look in the multiple display section. It is possible the taskbar is just hidden on the the second screen....that doesn't explain why it only pops up when you are presenting a PowerPoint presentation, but it may help you stop it from showing up.
Thank you. I will try that Sunday.