I think my laptop got shut down prematurely last service and got rebooted. Now when I try to show a bible-verse I get the following error-message:<br><br><p>Traceback (most recent call last):</p> <p> File "openlp\plugins\bibles\lib\mediaitem.py", line 664, in on_quick_search_button</p> <p> File "openlp\plugins\bibles\lib\manager.py", line 273, in get_verses</p> <p> File "openlp\plugins\bibles\lib\http.py", line 687, in get_verses</p> <p> File "openlp\plugins\bibles\lib\http.py", line 715, in get_chapter</p> <p> File "openlp\plugins\bibles\lib\http.py", line 252, in get_bible_chapter</p> <p> File "openlp\plugins\bibles\lib\http.py", line 765, in get_soup_for_bible_ref</p> <p>UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe0 in position 28343: invalid continuation byte</p> <p><br></p><p>Do I have to reinstall the Bibleverses?</p>

This error has recently come to our attention. We don't have enough details to fully debug it (which Bible, which website, what verses), but it seems to be related to a recent change in the BibleGateway website. Unfortunately we don't have a fix for this right now, but we have tested the up-coming 3.0 release, and it works in there.

When is 3.0 going to be released? What can we do in the interim to display bible verses?

Hi all<br>We've just started receiving the same problem and tried to fix by reinstalling the OpenLP software or any updates but that didn't work. How long before 3.0 is released??<br>

I am having the same problem. It affects NIVUK and ESVUK. I was trying o load Proverbs 14. This seemed to start happening after Windows installed an update on Thursday. Re HOPHLH's message, the shutdown/reboot could have been caused by Windows update.<br><br>Also, when setting up on new computer, it fails to download the Bible list, with the following message:<br>"There was a problem downloading your verse selection. Please check your Internet connection"<br>This is nonsense, as the WiFi/Internet works fine for everything else.<br>This fault has appeared on two new computers of different makes.<br>

Re Phetheho's question, my temporary (I hope!) workaround is to go to the Bible Gateway site, download the required passage and then copy &amp; paste it as New Song. Could also paste it into Impress or PP.<br>

Jim, I used the same work around.

Having the same issue.&nbsp; https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Amos+7:1-17 had issues.

Luke 10:25-37 had no problem and worked as expected.

Colossians 1:1-14 generated the same error message.&nbsp; (Bug reports were submitted for the verses with issues)


Message on the Bible Gateway web site:

<img src="https://forums.openlp.org/uploads/editor/5z/b7755v4pkok8.png" alt="" title="Image: https://forums.openlp.org/uploads/editor/5z/b7755v4pkok8.png"><br>



Well if this is the case, version 3.0 has to come very soon. Already got comments about why we suddenly changed Bible version lol.

I also have this problem trying to access any verses from NIVUK via Bible Gateway, and a similat problem trying to register a new bible from Bibleserver. I was able to successfully register and use a new bible from Crosstalk (though their range of available bibles is significantly smaller than Bible Gateway). I've submitted error reports.

I also had problems after a recent Windows update. Some Bible versions seemed to continue to work fine, but others didn't.&nbsp; The older versions like RVR1960 (Spanish) and KJV (English) seemed to work well.&nbsp; (I think I have the files installed on my computer, but can't remember.)&nbsp; The other versions are online.&nbsp; Things I tried seemed to work fine for some verses, but not others.&nbsp; I failed to diagnose a repeatable pattern to help in problem diagnosis.&nbsp; We mostly use translations from two languages which raised a problem when either didn't work.&nbsp; Thanks for your work to help solve the problem!<br>

Same problem here.


Running opensuse linux 15.0

Trying to access the NIV bible online, I believe it's bible gateway, through the verses interface. Saved bibles loaded locally work fine. It's just the online NIV one we are having this on.<br>

Nothing has been updated or changed on the laptop. So seeing these other posts it looks like bable gateway changed something.<br>


<p> self.search_results = self.plugin.manager.get_verses(bible, verse_text, book_ref_id)</p> <p> File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/manager.py", line 273, in get_verses</p> <p> return self.db_cache[bible].get_verses(ref_list, show_error)</p> <p> File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/http.py", line 687, in get_verses</p> <p> search_results = self.get_chapter(book, reference[1])</p> <p> File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/http.py", line 715, in get_chapter</p> <p> return handler.get_bible_chapter(self.download_name, book, chapter)</p> <p> File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/http.py", line 252, in get_bible_chapter</p> <p> pre_parse_regex=r'&lt;meta name.*?/&gt;', pre_parse_substitute='')</p> <p> File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/http.py", line 765, in get_soup_for_bible_ref</p> <p> page_source = re.sub(pre_parse_regex, pre_parse_substitute, page_source.decode())</p> <p>UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe0 in position 28950: invalid continuation byte</p>


4 months later