I have a Macbook Air running Mac OS 10.12.6.&nbsp; I've installed VLC version 3.0.6 64 bit.&nbsp; I have installed OpenLP version 2.4.6.&nbsp; I am trying to play an mkv file through OpenLP and I am unable to do so.&nbsp; I can play the file without issue in stand-alone VLC.&nbsp; When I go to OpenLP -&gt; Preferences -&gt; Player, the option to select VLC as a player is greyed out with the text that reads, "VLC (unavailable) NOTE: To use VLC you must install the 64 bit version."<br><br>I've confirmed that I have the 64 bit version, but this is not working.&nbsp; Please advise.

Please search the forum, there was a post just recently saying that for openlp 2.4.x you need to use 2.x VLC

Thanks Paul.&nbsp; That did the trick.&nbsp; I ended up installing VLC 2.2.8 and it now works like a charm.