Please where do I find OpenLP remote for windows laptop?
OpenLP remote for windows laptop
Are you meaning you want to control OpenLP running on one computer from a different computer? You can use the web remote,<br><br>Alternatively, you can use that same URL on a phone/tablet and there are also apps in the Google Play store and Apple App Store
As you may gather I am trying to set up OpenLP on monitor with 3 screens. Yes, I have now understand what 'web remote' is (I think). <br>I put in my ip address, click link url, but browser says 'site can't be reach'.<br>Internet is working, no proxy (as far as I know), OpenLP is suppose to have access through firewall.<br>What am I doing wrong?<br>thank you<br><br><br>
But it says.'You can use the default port number or change it to another number. If you do not understand this setting you should leave it as is.' So I left it as is.<br>So now I need to find the port number.. how?<br>thanks<br>
Go to Settings, click on Configure OpenLP..., click on Remote. URL and Port Number are listed.<br>
Done. <br>3rd moitor displays remote browser -great<br>But on mobiles and laptop still: 'unable to process request - check network settings'
one mobile pings but will not connect to web remote url. <br>mobile 2 does not ping -it has different network octects<br>but I can access internet via wi fi not mobile/phone<br><br>Can I use web remote on mobile phone?<br><br>
I turned phone off & on to make router give it another ip address. <br>now remote app works!<br><br>now I need to get things working at church<br>