Please where do I find OpenLP remote for windows laptop?

7 days later

As you may gather I am trying to set up OpenLP on monitor with 3 screens. Yes, I have now understand what 'web remote' is (I think).&nbsp;<br>I put in my ip address, click link url, but browser says 'site can't be reach'.<br>Internet is working, no proxy (as far as I know), OpenLP is suppose to have access through firewall.<br>What am I doing wrong?<br>thank you<br><br><br>

Have you followed the manual pages on the remote plugin? It is not sufficient just to type in the IP address of the computer running openlp, you need the port number as well.

&nbsp;But it says.'You can use the default port number or change it to another number. If you do not understand this setting you should leave it as is.' So I left it as is.<br>So now I need to find the port number.. &nbsp;&nbsp; how?<br>thanks<br>

Go to Settings, click on Configure OpenLP..., click on Remote. URL and Port Number are listed.<br>

4 days later

Done. <br>3rd moitor displays remote browser -great<br>But on mobiles and laptop still:&nbsp; &nbsp;'unable to process request - check network settings'

Can you ping the openlp computer from the laptop/mobiles?

one mobile pings but will not connect to web remote url.&nbsp;<br>mobile 2 does not ping -it has different network octects<br>but I can access internet via wi fi not mobile/phone<br><br>Can I use web remote on mobile phone?<br><br>

I turned phone off &amp; on to make router give it another ip address.&nbsp;<br>now remote app works!<br><br>now I need to get things working at church<br>