I am running windows 10 on a new computer. Loaded OpenLP and it only allows pdf for presentation. Powerpoint and other options are greyed out and unavailable. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and rerun the set up but nothing recognises powerpoint or allows it to be used. Help we need powerpoint so still having to use old computer which needs to be retired.

I found a comment in online help to down load and install a C+++ file. Did that but nothing has changed<br>

I've split your discussion into its own topic, as it wasn't relevant to the previous topic.


Which version of Microsoft Office and PowerPoint do you have installed? As far as I'm aware (I don't use Windows), Office 365 does not work with OpenLP (it doesn't have the same integration system).<br>

a month later

Exactly the same issue here. Just moved our OpenLP setup to a new laptop. Old laptop was Win7 / Office 2013 Pro. New laptop is Win 10 with Office 365 (church has shifted to 365 in the last year). In the presentation options, Powerpoint is ticked but greyed out, despite powerpoint being installed and working perfectly.<br><br>If the integrations have changed, then I fully get that that isn't OpenLP's 'fault', but equally, PowerPoint integration is a really, really important feature for us. If there's any way to make OpenLP work with 365 then I would beg, nay plead, that it's done as soon as possible.<br><br>I've worked round this for now by installing Libre Office, but that's less than ideal - I don't really want two full office suites on one laptop, and whilst it's good, Impress does occasionally trip up over content created in PowerPoint.<br><br>I've tried the suggestion of installing the C++ runtimes, but that hasn't worked. I tried reverting from 2.4.6 to 2.4.3 (the version we had on the old laptop) in case that made any difference, but it didn't.<br><br>I'm a huge fan of OpenLP - if there's anything I can do to help troubleshoot this by way of sending logs, configs etc or doing any testing I'd be more than willing to do so.

If they're static slides, you could export as PDF or Images, I frequently have to do that with some peoples PPTs here.&nbsp;&nbsp;

Have you tried placing a transparent slide in your service to allow the PowerPoint 365 to show through?<br>

Transparent slides don't work on Windows at the moment, I don't believe, do they?

You are correct.&nbsp; Have you tried using "Show Desktop".&nbsp; I tested that and it works on 2.4.6