Hi<br><br>(Kindly direct me if there is already a post/section for this)<br><br>I've been using OpenLP for about 5 years and would like to make some tutorials for the public. I thought I would ask here for some suggested topics and provide the published materials for public use. I would like to make these short and single minded video lessons (less than 5 minutes, 1 basic goal per lesson).&nbsp;<br><br>Kindly share any topics and please mention difficulty level in your suggestion. Here is what I have planned so far:<br>

A User interface walk-through and general explanation of What can be accomplished with OpenLP

A project-based tutorial - Creating a Service/Event/Presentation from start to finish&nbsp;

A number of basic tutorials to help beginners (the menu, the library panel, the preview/live panel, etc.)

A set of more focused mini-lessons that explore features in more detail Here&nbsp; are some examples I though of:

&nbsp;- Using the Remote feature<br>&nbsp;- Creating a theme&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;- Working with Custom Slides<br><br>The materials would be provided for free for use/sharing. I like OpenLP and think this can be my way of contributing. I just want to see if I can get some input/feedback first.&nbsp;<br><br>So - what topics do you think would be good to cover? Any suggestions on format? Where should this be posted (Youtube/Vimeo, etc)? What's a smart way to ensure that translation works well (use YouTube Captions or offer the silent video for other users to create other narrations &amp; reUpload)?)&nbsp;<br><br>Regards,<br>&nbsp;<br><br>

Hello!<br>Great&nbsp;idea to make tutorials!<br>I think one topic barely touched is the custom stages (how to customize one with html and css).<br>YouTube is the best option, because is where everyone looks first.<br><br>Have a nice day!

9 days later

Given, that in a community there is 1 person knowing OpenLP very well which wants to introduce other people in the science of presenting, there are some topics that would be interesting to have a tutorial to give them:


- Adding bibles to OpenLP

- How to get two installations to the same state (songs, shortcuts, Designs, Bibles, Settings) in oder to make the notebooks interchangeable.

- Introduction into the coolest shortcuts to fasten everydays work.


@ahsayn you are going to do a great work. Please post the links here once the first tutorials are finished. Can't wait for it!<br>

6 months later

Thank you both. I had forgotten I placed this here. I will work on this and update you once they are done for feedback