Is there a way to set up a custom slide with different formatting throughout? Such as a centered title and bulleted and numbered points like how you would do in powerpoint? So far I can only do it all centered or all left indented, but not both in the same slide. Am I missing something?<br><br>The reason I need to do this is so that I can see the next slide of the presentation in the remote app. Currently I have to export my powerpoint to pdf and when I import it I just see the slide number; so it can be difficult to remember when to transition to the next slide during the sermon. I am also an iOS developer, so I might be able to help to see the next slide on an iPad if you are able to get me in touch with he current developer. Just a thought. But in the mean time, I'd like to focus on if I am able to do different formatting in a single slide.

Formatting is done through tags. You can do any formatting you want with custom tags.

I saw that. What’s the tag to center the text on the slide when the theme has everything left indented?

I suggest you look them up yourself as that will help you learn how to use them.

I tried looking them up and am I look at html or CCS tags? I've tried using the tag you mentioned above, but I couldn't get it to work. Can you show me exactly what you would do it like?

OK. This is what I would do.<br><br>

start html

&lt;div&nbsp; style="text-align: center;"&gt;

end html


Thanks for showing me an example. I have that, but it adds a break after the div block is closed. Is there any way to center the line and not create a huge space before the next line? I’ve tried it as a span, but it won’t center because the span is only as long as the text, not the whole slide.

Space is to be expected, but not a huge space. I don't know why your space is huge. Sorry. Are there any line breaks or anything that might be making the space huge?

No line breaks, just a space. So no way to do it without a space between the lines?