Hi guys ..
Big props for a fantastic program! I'm investigating using the remote API for my own purposes -- basically trying to use Bome's Midi Translator to convert Ableton Midi messages into strings for the remote API (possibly through a batch file with a bunch of parameters).
I've got some of the basics figured out like '/api/controller/live/next' but have been trying to figure out how to use '/api/controller/live/set' or 'api/service/set'. They seem to want a query string (ie. something like '/api/controller/live/set?data=x' where 'x' is the number of the slide/song that you're trying to set) but I can't seem to get the syntax right.
<br>Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to use this part of the API?
I'll happily share my hack and slash MIDI control of OpenLP if/once I get it up and running.