<p>This is a great feature of OpenLP. One that I will like to use in our church but I have a concern and it is this.</p><p>If OpenLP is configured, for example, to use http:\</p><p>The remote control page is set to http:\ While the stage view is set to http:\\stageview.</p><p>Is there anyway to set things up so the remote control page is accessed as, for example, http:\\remote or set http:\ to be stageview?</p><p>Our users are tech-savvy and 'fiddlers'? Once the realise that they can control the software via a&nbsp;phone, strange things may&nbsp;happen. e.g.&nbsp;unwanted alerts. I imagine people are more likely to remember an ip address on its own rather than with the 'stageview' suffix.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Hope this makes sense</p><p>GloGee</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

<p>No, those URLs are hard-coded.</p><p>And it's http:// - http:\ is not a valid URL.</p>

It may be a bit of a pain, but you maybe able to use you router to deny or allow certain devices access.

<p>Or buy another router and put your projection computer on a secure network.</p>

<p>Well technically you can do it, although with a very big "we don't support this, do at your own risk, we might break it later" disclaimer! It is also really only security by obscurity, if one of your congregation were to play around, look at the source, read this forum or install the OpenLP Android App they may soon workaround it.&nbsp;</p><p>But if you still really badly want to do it:</p><p>If you're on Windows, go to&nbsp;C:\Program Files\OpenLP\plugins\remotes\html</p><p>Here you can rename index.html to be say remote.html</p><p>Then copy stage.html to index.html&nbsp;</p><p>From this point on:</p><p>http://localhost:4316/ will be the stageview and http://localhost:4316/<strong>files/</strong>remote<strong>.html </strong>will be the remote view.</p><p>However be aware that these changes will be lost if you upgrade OpenLP so you'd have to do them again.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Thanks gushie.</p><p>Appreciate that it is security by obscreity but would rather that.</p><p>Any chance that this will this be addressed in a future release? I think that as it is it leaves too much scope for someone to change things inappropriately.</p><p>Anyway off to try your suggestion.</p><p>Will the switched html pages work with the android app? Will I need to set the appropriate details on the android app setup page.</p>

<p>I haven't tried the Android app with these changes, but as long as you copy the stage.html file (rather than rename), then all should be well. I don't believe the android app uses the index.html page.</p><p>I think in the future we want to provide password protection for different pages, but can't say when it will happen.</p>

<p>I realise that this would come with an even larger 'if you do this, don't come crying to us if you break OpenLP' warning, but in theory would dropping a .htaccess and .htpasswd file into the 'html' directory give a simple way of passwording the two files?</p><p>Unfortunately, I'm not on a machine with OpenLP on it at the moment to be able to test it for you... just wondering if the theory would work :)</p>

<p>No. Those files are Apache-specific, they don't work on other web servers like nginx or lighttpd, and they won't work with our built-in web server.</p>

14 days later

<p>This would be a nice change to the defaults in the program.&nbsp; I've started handing out this url but with tech teens etc in church would rather have the control one be an obscured URL and just let anyone have the stage url.&nbsp; Password protected would be nice as well however that may be quite a bit of extra coding and change on the android app etc.</p>

<p>I'd use a firewall to block access from all but the ones that should have it. &nbsp;A Little work ont he part of the tech guys to get set up, but would secure things.&nbsp;</p>