<p>Hi,</p><p>I had a slide with white text and wanted to make one word black. When I selected the word and applied the tag, it was tagged bold instead. Is there a bug in the tags for the latest version of OpenLP?</p><p>I tried this several times, thinking I had accidently selected bold as the tag. Orange and purple appeared to work, but not black and just before a service I didn't have time to do extensive experimentation.</p><p>Thanks for a great application.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

<p>What tag did you use for black?</p><p>Have you changed any of the default tags?</p><p>If you try it again when you are less rushed, does the problem still happen?</p><p>Finally, what exactly do you have in the Configure Formatting Tags dialog as the start tags for bold and for black?</p>

<p>Must have been user error or a fluke because now it works as it should.</p>