<p>Well, first I wanted to say thank you for those who have spent time to write openlp. I used mediashout 3.5 until my projection computer HD went belly up on Sunday. I bought a new drive and looked around for the old Win XP disk. When I found it I started thinking about all the updates it was going to take to get it up and running, then the install of MS and it's updates, then all the codecs and other stuff that go with it. I'm brave rather than patient so I installed Ubuntu 11.10 and openlp. (I heard about openlp over at CMN) Everything worked right away. Even dual display with unity.</p>
<p>Loading the songs from CCLI was smooth. It plays my media just fine. And I'm using a nook color as a remote for worship team practice. I wanted to write this down because it is so easy to lose first impressions. So from a MS 3.5 guy who has been using openlp for less than a day I give it a thumbs up.</p>
<p>Now my question. I am used to sticking someone at the computer and telling them to push a button all the way through the service. In MS the slides advance from one "service item" to the next with the same button. So I figured out that with openlp I have to use the right arrow to advance to the next item and then continue with the down arrow. That is simple enough. But what I have noticed so far is a tendency to overshoot the end of the song and loop back to the beginning. Is there any way to make it stop at the end of a song and not loop back to the top?</p>